MIDAgroup is charged to select a delegation of professional visitors from Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco to attend the third edition of Bursa Marble Block Fair 2017, which will be held in Bursa- Turkey from 25th -28th October 2017.
In collaboration with the MADSIAD and Bursa Chamber of Commerce, Marble Block Fair 2017 offers a new and important business opportunity for professionals working natural stone (marble, onyx, travertine, alabaster..) extraction and process.
Last edition showed, over an area of 40.000 sqm, 26 thousand tons of marble blocks within more than 600 different stone/marble colors and types, 188 companies coming from 12 countries and 19675 professional visitors coming from 41 nations.
For more information about the selection modalities of the Tunisian, Algerian and Moroccan delegates, please contact us by phone ( +216 71 890 071, or by mail: mida@midagrouptunisia.com and/or project1@midagrouptunisia.com