Under the patronage of Istanbul Mineral Exporters’ Association, and in collaboration with Karibu, MIDA is in charge to co-organize online B2B meetings in Marble Sector which will be held by using an online platform and a customized B2B agenda, as follows:
-from 28th September till 1st October 2020: B2B meetings between Moroccan and Turkish companies;
-from 5th till 7th October 2020: B2B meetings between Tunisian and Turkish companies.
Please download the Catalogue of Turkish companies for Morocco or Tunisia and, if you’re interested to take part to the event, send us back the Identification Form (Id. Form Morocco / Id. Form Tunisia), duly filled with your company details to the following address:
Moroccan companies: project1@midagrouptunisia.com & marbremaroc@midagrouptunisia.com
Tunisian companies: project1@midagrouptunisia.com & mida@midagrouptunisia.com
N.B. Registration and participation in the online B2B meetings are free.