MidaGroup is charged by POZNAN INTERNATIONAL FAIR to select a delegation of professional visitors from Tunisia and Morocco to visit and participate in the B2B meetings during next POLAGRA FOOD which will be held in at Poznan International Fair premises in Poznan/Poland from 8th to 10th May 2018.
The Polish food sector is one of the most important and fastest-growing branches of the Polish economy reaching far beyond the borders of Poland and supplying over 500 million consumers in the EU. Within 12 years Poland’s foreign trade in food products grew 6 times. Poland is the leading producer of meat, milk, dairy and fruits in Europe.
In this context POLAGRA FOOD Fair – the most important exhibition for food industry in Central-Eastern Europe: it hosts the producers and distributors of almost all product groups, from Poland and 30 other countries offering good quality high nutritional value, quality ingredients, sustainable production standards in line with stringent EU regulations and competitive prices.
Exhibition sectors: Polagra Food shows the widest variety of food industry products: Drinks, Meat, Bakery, Delicacies, Fish and Fish products, Herbs and spices, Diary products, Sugar and pastry…
For more information, please contact us by mail: mida@midagrouptunisia.com and/or project1@midagrouptunisia.com or by phone ( +216 71 890 071).